Form 5

Задание  на 21 октября выучить тему Travelling


Remember to say:

-    if you often travel;

-         what means of travelling you enjoy most;

-         speak about your last travel

     I'd like to tell you about travelling. People like to travel to different places. Some people travel by car. Most people like to travel by plane or by train. I don't think many people travel on foot. The best season for travelling is summer as people have their holidays. Besides, the weather is usually fine. As for me, I travel once (twice, three (four) times a year.I prefer travelling by plane because I think it is the most comfortable way of travelling. It is the fastest one. 

My parents and I travelled to Moscow last summer. We went to Moscow from Kemerovo by plane. It took us 4 hours and a half to get there. We stayed at a hotel in Moscow. The hotel was expensive but the room was very comfortable. We went to different places and visited some really famous sights |saits|. I saw Red Square and the Kremlin. I liked it there very much. The trip was fantastic! 

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


1) I have been to Thailand and Turkey. Both countries are unusual with hot climate.


2) I was in ...... . I was there with my parents.


 3) We got there by plane. We took a plane in Novosibirsk. It was not difficult to buy tickets.


4) It took us 7 hours and 15 minutes to get to Thailand from Novosibirsk .We stayed at a nice hotel there. The hotel was expensive but really comfortable. The people were friendly and the weather was fine. 

Задание на  17 октября четверг

Дополнительное задание для тех, кто сегодня получил на уроке оценку 3 !!!!

Еще раз проработать упражнения на Present Perfect

 (смотрим таблицу стр.171-173)

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect.

1.     John (write) his name.

2.     I (draw) a picture.

3.     The cat (drink) its milk.

4.     The tree (fall) across the road.

5.     John (give) his bicycle to his brother.

6.     You (make) a mistake.

7.     We (eat) our dinner.

8.     The train (go).

9.     I (tell) the truth.

10.         She (buy) bread.

Ответить на вопросы

ПРИМЕР. Are the rooms clean? (do) — Yes, Mother has done them.

1. Does she know the song? (learn)
2. Is breakfast ready? (cook)
3. Do you know how tasty the pie is? (eat)
4. Is she at home? (come)
5. Do you know the melody? (hear many times)
6. Can you speak on the subject? (read about it)
7. Is Ann on holiday? (go to Italy)
8. Are you ready with the report? (write it)
9. Can you finish this work?
(finish it)


Ответьте на вопросы, используя слово  just — только что  и слова, данные в скобках.

ПРИМЕР. Would you like to have something to eat?

(no/thank you/ I / just/ have dinner) — No, thank you. I have just had dinner.

1.    Have you seen John anywhere? (yes/ I/ just / see/ him)

2.    Has Ann phoned yet? (yes/ she/ just/ phone)

3.    Would you like to go for a walk? (no/ I/ just/ come home)



Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями о том, что уже сделано и что еще не сделано.

1.    drink coffee

2.    take the dog for a walk.

3.    clean the floor

4.    do the shopping

5.    wash the dishes

6.    have breakfast

7.    water the plants

8.    cook dinner

9.    do lessons

10.          paint the walls

Задание на 15 октября 

упр.59 упр.29 письменно 

Продолжаем учить неправильные глаголы:

begin - began - begun             (начинать)

become - became - become   (становиться)

come - came - come       (приходить)

do -did - done                  (делать)

drink - drank - drunk      (пить)

go - went - gone              (ходить)

run - ran - run                  (бегать)

sing - sang - sung            (петь)

swim - swam - swum    (плавать)

win - won - won             (выигрывать)

bring - brought - brought  (приносить)
buy - bought - bought      (
catch - caught - caught      (
fight - fought - fought       (
teach - taught - taught      (
think- thought - thought   (

Задание на понедельник 14 октября:

стр.171 выучить 3 формы глаголов 10 шт/ с (be- choose) знать перевод 

стр. 45 выучить правило. (+ смотри таблички в блоге )

Задание на 10 октября 

стр. 44 упр. 5 Вставить пропущенные  слова.

стр. 46 упр.7 прописать все формы глаголов. 

стр. 45 правило в рамке: знать все маячки, знать как они переводятся.

Задание на 9 октября 

стр.44 упр.2 и 5 слова новые выписать в тетрадь

стр.43 упр.1  ответить на вопросы устно 

Задание на  8 октября 

Составить свой рассказ! Образец:

Give a talk on hobbies and interests. 

Remember to say:

-         why it is important to have a hobby

-         why different people have different hobbies

-         what hobby you would like to take up, why


I'd like to tell you about hobbies and interests. A hobby is something people like doing in their free time. It is very important to have a hobby because hobbies make our lives interesting, help to develop our talents, express our feelings and emotions.

There are a lot of hobbies nowadays. People choose their hobbies to their interests and tastes. Some people collect coins, stamps or toys. Other people do sports, draw, play musical instruments. 

As for me, my hobby is... . I would like to take up (заняться) ... . (I wouldn't like to take up a new hobby).

That's all I wanted to say. 

Thank you for listening.

Задание на понедельник 7 октября 


 Работу над ошибками                    Test (grade 5)                                   

 1.     She (to visit) her best friend yesterday evening.

 2.     I (to play) the piano every day.

 3.     They (to watch) TV at the moment.

 4.     Nina usually (to drive) to work.

       5. Where (you/to stay) last night?

1.    6. They (to watch) TV now.

1.     7. We always (to spend) the summer in New York. 

1.        8. (She/to stay) at her parents’ house 2 days ago?

9        9. Tim (study) a new language every year.

       10.She   (not to write) letters to her mother every week.

        11.Look at Tom! He (to ride) a horse.          

          12.The child (to go) to the park the day before yesterday.

        13. (You/to like) to eat vegetables?

        14.  What (you/to do) now? I (swim) in the river.

         15 They (not to have) a big and tasty breakfast last morning.

         16. In summer we usually (to go) to the seaside.

1.       17.  Father (not to read) a newspaper now.

        18. She (to see) her best friend last Saturday.

   Не забудьте про творческое задание по тексту про Дядю Оскара. 


Задание на 4 октября 

Повторить к входному тесту :

Past Simple 

Present Simple

Present Continuous

2 октября 

Дома : 

Выучить слова стр.35 упр.11 , выучить слова в рамочке стр. 35 (Look , read and remember)

30 сентября 


стр.34 упр.8 задать вопросы письменно 



стр.30-31 правило в рамке повторить . стр 33 упр.7 быть готовыми отвечать на вопросы


Дома: выучить записи в тетрадях. Учебник стр. 29-30  упр.1-3 устно 



Выучить правило стр.30-31.Выполнить упр.1-3 смотри ниже письменно.

Упражнение 1.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму.

1. She (to visit) her best friend yesterday evening.
2. They (to have) a big and tasty breakfast.
3. The child (to go) to bed at 10 p.m.
4. Where (you\to stay) last night?
5. (She\to stay) at her parents’ house?
6. The film (to be) very good.
I really (to enjoy) it.

Упражнение 2.
Поставьте глагол to be в правильную форму.

1. I (to be) mad because they (to be) late.
2. They (not\to be) able to come to us as they (to be) too busy at work.
3. The bags (to be) too heavy to carry.
4. It (to be) warm enough to stay outside without a coat.
5. I called Kate but she (not\to be) at her working place.
6. (To be) the dinner tasty?
7. When she called, I (to be) at the bathroom.

Упражнение 3.
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1. I (to see) how he (to go out) of the shop and (to head) to his car.
2. My mother (to work) in that company when she (to be) 25.
3. I (to start) jogging when I (to be) 15.
4. The joke was funny but nobody (to laugh).
5. What exactly (you/ to see)?
6. After work she (to take) kids home. They (to have) supper and (to watch) film before going to bed.

Past Simple (Прошедшее время ( last year, yesterday, last week)

Про­шед­шее про­стое время (Past Simple Tense) ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для опи­са­ния дей­ствий или со­бы­тий, ко­то­рые про­изо­шли в кон­крет­ное время в про­шлом. 


yesterday – вчера

the day before yesterday – по­за­вче­ра
last week/month/year – на про­шлой неде­ле (в про­шлом году/ме­ся­це)
hour/ten days/ two weeks/three months/five years ago – час/10 дней/две неде­ли/три ме­ся­ца/пять лет назад.

Эти со­бы­тия про­ис­хо­ди­ли в кон­крет­ное время в про­шлом. Это про­стые факты из про­шло­го.

Вы хо­ди­ли в школу вчера.

Ваши дру­зья ез­ди­ли к ба­буш­ке в гости на про­шлой неде­ле.

Ваши ро­ди­те­ли при­шли с ра­бо­ты три часа назад.


Чтобы ска­зать эти пред­ло­же­ния на ан­глий­ском необ­хо­ди­мо на­учить­ся об­ра­зо­вы­вать время Past Simple (про­стое про­шед­шее).


Об­ра­зо­ва­ние про­сто­го про­шед­ше­го вре­ме­ни у пра­виль­ных 


Dance – danced

Play – played

Skate – skated


Katya danced yesterday. – Катя тан­це­ва­ла вчера.

Tom played football last Sunday. – Том играл в фут­бол в про­шлое вос­кре­се­нье.

Children skated a week ago. – Дети ка­та­лись на конь­ках неде­лю назад.



Те, кто не рассказал My Typical Day, быть готовыми . учебник стр. 32-33 упр. 6 прочитать. упр. 7 письменно ответить на вопросы. 

20.09. 24 

Задание на 23 сентября : Рассказать  My Typical Day

стр.18 упр.3 и стр.23 упр.10 повторить слова к диктанту!!!


At home: стр.18 упр.3 и стр.23 упр.10 выучить слова к диктанту.

Составить рассказ о своем дне письменно в тетради, по образцу см ниже. 

  My Typical Day

Remember to say:   

- how much time you spend at school 

 - if you have some after-school activities 

 - what you usually do in the evening 

   I'd like to tell you about my typical day |tipikal|.

I am a pupil and I go to school, that's why I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I dress, clean my teeth, have breakfast and go to school. I usually have 5 or 6 classes. I spend 5 or 6 hours at school. Also, we have lunch after the first class.

 I have some after-school activities. I go to a Sports club (Music club, English club) after classes. (I attend a Music school/a Sports school after classes). I spend 1 (2, 3) hours there. We ... . (say what you do there).

As a rule, I come home at 4 o'clock. In the evening I do my homework, go for a walk , ... and ... . (play games, watch TV, read books etc.) I usually have a very busy day. I go to bed at 10/11 o'clock.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.



At home:

Выучить слова упр 3 стр.18, упр.2 письменно ответить, слова в рамочке (см. ниже тоже выучить). Повторить правило стр. 18-19. 

Modern Conveniences:

a toaster

                                   a robot vacuum

A smart speaker

Повторить грамматику Present Simple

or Present Continuous

1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse. 11. He often (watch) birds in autumn. 12. Don’t ask me now. I (write) an exercise. 13. She usually (watch) television in the evening. 14. I (play) the piano every day.


 1. I (go) to school every day.  2. I (go) to the park now. 3. My sister (play) computer games every day. 4. Look! My sister (play) computer games. 5. We  (watch) our favourite cartoon at the moment. 6. We (not watch) TV on Sundays. 7.My dad (not make) lunch now. 8.  My dad  (make) dinner every evening.


Учебник стр.18-19 правило в рамке , упр.4 письменно 


At home: Рассказать о семье  по образцу (смотри текст ниже)

My Family


 - who is in your family and what they do


 - what things you like to do together


  - if you have any family traditions  



 I 'd like to tell you about my family. 

I've got a big/little family. (We are a family of 4/5 / There are 5 of us in the family). I've got a mother, a ... , a ... , a ... .

My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. My father is a ... , he works ... .  

I'm a pupil. I study at school. My favourite subjects are ... .

 We are a friendly family and we like to spend time together. We usually go to the cinema or theatre, go for a walk, visit our Granny or watch TV  together.  (do sports, play games, travel etc.)

We have some family traditions. We usually celebrate New Year and Christmas together with our relatives and friends. We decorate a Christmas tree together and give presents to each other. 

To sum up, I want to say that I love my family very much. 

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.



At home: Рассказать о семье на примере упр.19 стр.14-15 (10 предложений) . Использовать прилагательные упр.23 стр.16. 


 At home (на четверг) : стр. 12 упр.12 слова к диктанту (знать определения) с14-15 №19 прочитать текст до конца, выделенный текст подготовить к выразительному чтению, упр.21 устно.


Текст слушаем по ссылке:


 Задание на 11 сентября 

At home: стр. 12 упр.11 слова в рамке выучить, упр.12 выучить профессии, знать описание профессий. Прослушать упражнение по ссылке:

Начнём с тренировки произношения:

                          [ b ]


A big black bug bites a big black bear


A big black bear hits a big black bug.


Let's speak about jobs


N + -er, -or, -man:


a dancer, a singer, a driver

a doctor, a sailor, a tailor, an actor

a policeman, a fisherman, a milkman, a postman


At home:

Домашнее задание: учебник стр .8 правило в рамке выучить , стр. 9 упр.8 устно.


Have  & have got

I have a lot  of good friends.

I've got a lot of good friends.


I don't have a bicycle.

I haven't got a bicycle.


Do you have a tablet?

Have you got a tablet?


      I didn't have a computer. 

 !!! had no computer

      I didn't have a computer 


!!! Глагол have got  в прошедшем времени не употребляется


в прошедшем времени   have got → had

                                            haven't got → had no  / didn't have


 Домашнее задание !!!!

At home: выполни упражнение ниже письменно* в тетради.

Write what you have got now and what you haven't got (name not less than 3 things), what you had when you were a child and what you will have when you are a grown -up (взрослый).


EXAMPLEI have got many books now.

                      I haven't got a car.

                      I had a little kitten when I was a child.

                      I'll have a computer when I am a grown -up. 


учебник стр.4 упр.1 . ответить на вопросы,

 используя текст (смотри ниже) устно рассказать о себе.

My name (surname) is... .

I am (11, from Russia).

was born in Kemerovo on the fourteenth of September 2013 .

(My birthday is on the 5th of May.)

I live at number 10 Lenin Street in Kemerovo. My flat is number ... .

My telephone number is ... .

I am a pupil (a student).

I like ...\I dislike ... .

I've got a large/small family. (We are a family of 4/5 / There are 5 of us in the family). I've got a mother, ... , ... , ... .

My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital.

I'm a pupil. I study at school. My favourite subjects are ... .



Рассказать о летних каникулах, используя текст ниже.

Можно с презентацией .

I'd like to tell you about my summer vacation. It

was(great, wonderful, fantastic, fine, super, terrible, bad, boring, uninteresting, sad).

My family (friends) and I went to ... . We got there by ... . The weather was (fine, nice, rainy, stormy, sunny). We had a wonderful time there . I visited museums and art galleries, swam in the ... ,  walked a lot, played ... , watched ,,, , bought ... , listened ... , etc.

To tell the truth, I liked my summer vacation very much.

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