Modern English 5

Задание на 18 октября 
Написать свой текст  на основе текста (смотри ниже)


Remember to say:

-    if you often travel;

-         what means of travelling you enjoy most;

-         speak about your last travel

     I'd like to tell you about travelling. People like to travel to different places. Some people travel by car. Most people like to travel by plane or by train. I don't think many people travel on foot. The best season for travelling is summer as people have their holidays. Besides, the weather is usually fine. As for me, I travel once (twice, three (four) times a year.I prefer travelling by plane because I think it is the most comfortable way of travelling. It is the fastest one. 

My parents and I travelled to Moscow last summer. We went to Moscow from Kemerovo by plane. It took us 4 hours and a half to get there. We stayed at a hotel in Moscow. The hotel was expensive but the room was very comfortable. We went to different places and visited some really famous sights |saits|. I saw Red Square and the Kremlin. I liked it there very much. The trip was fantastic! 

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


1) I have been to Thailand and Turkey. Both countries are unusual with hot climate.


2) I was in ...... . I was there with my parents.


 3) We got there by plane. We took a plane in Novosibirsk. It was not difficult to buy tickets.


4) It took us 7 hours and 15 minutes to get to Thailand from Novosibirsk .We stayed at a nice hotel there. The hotel was expensive but really comfortable. The people were friendly and the weather was fine. 


      Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

      A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
      If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

      Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Задание на 11 октября 

Задание от 28 сентября 
Выполнить упражнения по ссылке :


Задание на дом :
  Выучить план описания картинки!!!!


Задание на дом :

Найти картинку и описать ее по плану!!!

План описания картинки 

Some useful phrases for picture description:
I'd like to describe picture. №...
In the foreground (передний план) of the picture you can see .(a boy playing with a dog)...

He /she/they is/are posing (not posing) to the camera. (He/She enjoys the process.

The boy is wearing (a blue t-shirt and white jeans)

In the background (на заднем плане) of the picture there is/are ... .
The weather is ... . The sun is shining brightly/ (it is going to rain/ snow)/
I like this picture because it is full of positive emotions (pleasant memories).
It reminds me of my childhood (my last visit to my Granny, my friends , my hobby, my pet etc...).

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